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时间2021-11-07 05:22:45 阅读数 编辑:受季添 来源:励志句子 作者:税诗桃

坐公交车常用到的英语句子1、我希望下一趟公交车上的人。能够少一些 能够多一些。I hope the next bus will not be so crowded


1、我希望下一趟公交车上的人。能够少一些/能够多一些。I hope the next bus will not be so crowded / I hope the next bus can be more crowded.I hope there will be fewer people on the next bus/ I hope more people will be on the next bus.

2、我坐公交去学校要半小时。I need half an hour to go to school by bus.

3、我要坐几路车公交车到西湖?I want to take a few bus routes to the West Lake car?

4、你每天走着上学吗?不,我不。我坐公交车上学。Do you go to school on foot every day ?No, I don\'t. I go to school by bus.

6、我叔叔周一早上要坐公交车上班。(一般将来时态--特指“下周一”。)My uncle will go to work by bus on Mondy morning .

7、我应该坐哪路公交车?a、Which bus should I take? b、Would you please show me which bus I can take? c、Please show the bus that I can take?d、Do you know which bus I can take?

8、我叔叔周一早上坐公交车上班。(强调习惯性行为--每周一都是这样)My uncle goes to work by bus on Mondy morning .

9、这辆公交车上人很少。This bus has a lot of vacant seats.There are not many passengers on this bus.

10、这辆公交车人太多了,我们做下一趟公交车吧。This bus is too crowded, let\'s take the next bus.

11、john通常在家吃早饭然后坐17路公交车去上班。John usually has breakfast in the house and then take bus No. 17 to work.

12、你常乘坐的公交路线是?Which bus do you often take?

13、你可以乘坐17,60,59路公交。You can take the bus No.17(seventeen),60(sixty) or 59(fifty-nine)。

14、你从银行到学校坐公交车需要多长时间?How long does it take you to go (或者是travel)from the bank to school by bus?

http://www.juziquan.cn/jingdianjuzi/61373.html以上内容就是关于[坐公交车常用到的英语句子] 的内容分享;句子大全分享网还为您分享关于哲理、爱情、励志、人生、经典、优美、名言等短句子。


本文网址:http://www.juziquan.cn/jingdianjuzi/61373.html发布于 2021-11-07 文章转载或复制请注明原出处。